First Disclosing a New Type of DDoS Attack on GeekPwn: RangeAMP attack

In the GeekPwn2019 International Security Geek Competition, we successfully demonstrated RangeAMP attack. We use RangeAmp attack to implement DDoS attacks on web servers with an export bandwidth of 3Gbps. The victim’s website was a website server (domain name in China provided by the organizer. The attack lasted more than 5 minutes. During the attack, the outlet bandwidth of the target website server was completely exhausted. The organizer placed two pictures on the homepage of the victim’s website, the size of which was 6.4MB and 5.3MB. Before the attack, the website homepage loading delay was about 2s; during the attack, the organizer visited the website homepage many times, and the loading delay almost exceeded 20s each time.

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Recent News

  • In March 2020, the job was accepted by DSN 2020.
  • In May 2020, this work was selected as one of DSN2020 Best Paper candidate papers.
  • In July 2020, this work won the best paper award of DSN 2020 (1/285).
  1. GeekPwn(内含演示视频): RangeAmp攻击:一台电脑便可让世界上最流行的网站瘫痪

  2. 奇安信研究院: 清华-奇安信联合团队在GeekPwn上首次披露新型DDoS攻击

  3. ITNews: 清华-奇安信联合团队在GeekPwn上首次披露新型DDoS攻击

  4. Inforsec: RangeAmp攻击:将CDN变成DDoS加农炮

  5. Zdnet: RangeAmp attacks can take down websites and CDN servers

  6. Dosarrest: How the RangeAmp attack works

  7. Itnews: RangeAmp attacks turn CDNs into giant DoS cannons

  8. Cyware: New RangeAmp Attacks Threaten Major CDN Providers

Kaiwen Shen
Kaiwen Shen
CEO & Founder

My research interests include protocol security, web security and AI-driven security. If you are interested, feel free to drop me an email and join us!
